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نام کتاب : دراسات في الفن الصحفي نویسنده : إبراهيم إمام    جلد : 1  صفحه : 330
Bourne, H. R., English Newspapers "Chatto & Windus, 1887". Bowman, W. D., The Story of the Times "Routledge, 1931". Brown, C, News Editing and Display "Harper, 1952". Brucker, H., Freedom of Information "Mcmillan, 1949". The Changing American Newspaper "Columbia, 1937".
Bush, Chilton, The Art of News Communication "Appleton-Century Crofts, 1954".
Campbell, L. & Wolsley p., Exploring Journalism, "Prentice-Hall, 1957".
Charnley M., News by Kadio "Mcmillan, 1948".
Cross, H., the People's Eight to Know "Columbia, 1953".
Escot, T. H., Masters of Journalism "Unwin, 1911".
Garst, E & Bernstein, T , Headlines & Deadlines "C. U. P., 1940".
Harris, W., The Daily Press "C. U. P. 1954".
Herd, H., The March of Journalism "Allen & Unwin, 1952".
Hunt, F., The Fourth Estate "Lond. 1850".
Hunt, L., Displaying the News "Harper, 1934".
Hyde G., Journalistic Writing "Appleton - Century, 1948".
Jackson H., Newspaper Typography "Columbia, 1942".
Jespersen, 0., Mankind. Nation & the Individual "Allen & Unwin, 1946".

نام کتاب : دراسات في الفن الصحفي نویسنده : إبراهيم إمام    جلد : 1  صفحه : 330
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