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Fourth edition.
New York & London: Longman, 1983.
Castetter, William B. & Richard S. Heisler.
Developing and Defending a Dissertation Proposal.
Fourth Edition.
Pennsylvania: Graduate School of Education University of Pennsylvania, 1984.
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Writing the Doctoral Dissertation A Systimatic Approach.
New York: Baron's Educational Series, Inc, 1979.
Ehrlich, Eugene & Daniel Murphy.
Writing and Reseach Term Papers and Reports: A New Guide For Students.
New York: Bantam Books. 1964.
Evans, K M.
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Bristol: J.W. Arrowsmith Ltd, 1971.
Gibaldi, Joseph & Walter S. Ashtert.
MLA HandBook for Writers of Research Papers.
New York: The Modern Language Association of America, 1984.
Hatch, Evelyn and Hossein Farhady.
Researching and Statics for Applied Linguistics.
Massachusetts: New Bury House Publishers, Inc, 1982.