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   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
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صفحه‌بعدی»    صفحه‌آخر»»   
   ««اول    «قبلی
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بعدی»    آخر»»   
نام کتاب : التربية الإسلامية أصولها وتطورها في البلاد العربية نویسنده : مرسي، محمد منير    جلد : 1  صفحه : 480
1- Abdul Rahman Salih Abdullah (1982) : Educational Theory: A Qur
anic Outlook. Umm AL - Qura University Faculty of Education.
2- Beck, R.A (1965) : Social History of Education. Prentice Hall. Inc.
Englwood Cliffs. N.Y.
3- Bary, M. (et. al) : Education and Society in Africa. Edward Arnold
4- Breasted. J.: A History of Egypt. Scriber - N. Y. 1913.
5- Brubacher, J. (1947) : A History of the problems of Education. McGraw - Hill Series N. Y. 1947,
6- Butts, R. (1947) : A Cultural History of Education. McGraw - Hill
7- Callhoun, D. (1969) : The Educating of American: A. Documen-
tary History U.S.A.
8- Dent, H. C. (1963) : The Educational System of England and Wales
The Universty of London Press.
9- De Young and other. (1964) : American Education. McGraw - Hill
Inc. U.S.A
10- Dienko, M: Public Education in the USSR. Progress Publishers Mosko. w. n. d.
11- Eby, F. and Arrowood (1952) : The History and Philosophy of Education. Prentice - Hill. N. Y.
12- Fraser, W. (1963) : Education and Society in Modern France, Routledge and Kegan Paul. Ltd. London.
13- Fraser, W. (1971) : Reforms and Restraints in Modern French Education. Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd. London.
14- Full, H. (1967) : Controversy in American Education. The\Mac-millan Company. N. Y.
15- Hiskett, M (1973) : The Sword of Truth. The Life and Times of Shehu Usuman dan Fodio. Oxford University Press. N. Y. London
16- Hurwitz, H., E. & Maidment, R. (eds) (1970) : Criticism, Conflict & Change Readings in American Education. Dodd Mead. N.Y.

نام کتاب : التربية الإسلامية أصولها وتطورها في البلاد العربية نویسنده : مرسي، محمد منير    جلد : 1  صفحه : 480
   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
   جلد :
صفحه‌بعدی»    صفحه‌آخر»»   
   ««اول    «قبلی
   جلد :
بعدی»    آخر»»   
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