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نام کتاب : التوجيه والإرشاد النفسي نویسنده : حامد عبد السلام زهران    جلد : 1  صفحه : 567
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- Hett, Geoffrey G. & Rose, Christopher "1991". Counselling children of divorce: A divorce lifeline programme. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 25, 1, 28-49.
- Hewer, V. H. "1963". What do theories of vocational choice mean to a counselor? Journal of Counseling Psychology, 10, 118-125.
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- Hicks, G. J. "1972". The effects of short - term group counseling on the interpersonal behaviors of urban teacher education students. Dissertation Abstracts International, 32 "7A", 3840.
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نام کتاب : التوجيه والإرشاد النفسي نویسنده : حامد عبد السلام زهران    جلد : 1  صفحه : 567
   ««صفحه‌اول    «صفحه‌قبلی
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