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نام کتاب : تنشئة الطفل وسبل الوالدين في معاملته ومواجهة مشكلاته نویسنده : الشربينى، زكريا    جلد : 1  صفحه : 361
84 Power, T., and Parke, R. "1986": Patterns of Early Socialiaztion in the Home. International J. of Behavioral Develpment, 9, PP. 331-341.
85 Power. T., McGrath, M. Manire, S., "1994": Compliance and Self -Assertion: Young Children's Responses to Mothers versus Fathers. Developmental psychology, 30, PP. 980- 989.
86 Alexander, K., and Entwisle, D. "1988": Achievement In the First 2 Years of School: Patterns and Processes. Monographs of the Society for Research in child Development, 53 "2, Serial No. 218".
87 St. Peters, M., Fitch, M., Huston, A. and familiens: what do young children Wathch with their parents?. Child DevekloPent, 62, PP. 1409- 1423.
88 Selroade, J. "1993": Genetic Influence on Family Enfviroment: the Role Of personality. Developmental psychology, 29, PP. 110-118.
89 Fabes, R., Eisenberg, N., Karbon, M., Bernzweing, J., and Speer, A. "1994": Socialization of Children's vicarious Emotional Responding and Prosocial Behavior: Relations with Mother's percepions pf children's Emotional Reactivity. Developmental psychology, 30, pp. 44-55.
90 Belsky, J., Fish, M., and Isabella, R. "1991": Continuity and Descontinuiy in Infant Negative and Positive Emotionality: Family Antecedents and Attachment Consequences. Developmental Psychology, 27,pp. 421- 431

نام کتاب : تنشئة الطفل وسبل الوالدين في معاملته ومواجهة مشكلاته نویسنده : الشربينى، زكريا    جلد : 1  صفحه : 361
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