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نام کتاب : تنشئة الطفل وسبل الوالدين في معاملته ومواجهة مشكلاته نویسنده : الشربينى، زكريا    جلد : 1  صفحه : 358
54 Gruse, J. and Kuczyndki, J. "1980": Direction of Effects In Socialization: A Comparizon of the Parents nates of Disciplinery Technicques. Devlopmental Pschology, vol l.pp.1-9.
55 Hetherigton, E. and Park, D. "1979": Child Psychology Conter. New York: McGrow-Hill.
56 Hetherington. E. and Parke, R. "1980":Child Psychology: A McGraw -Hill Book co.
57 Kagan, J. "1971" Personality Develpment. New York: Harcout Brace Jovonovich, Inc.
58 Klaus, M. and Kennel, J. "1976": Maternal Infant bonding. St. Lousi. Mosby.
59 Krumboltz, J. and Krumboltz, H. "1972": Changing Children's Bevavior, New Jersey: Prentice -Hall, Inc.
60 Lambert, W. and Lambert, W. and Lambert, W. "1973": Social Psychology. New Jersey: Printice -Hall, Inc.
61 Maccoby, E. "1961": The Choice of Variables In the Study of Socialiazation. Sociometry, Vol. 24, No. 4.
62 Maccoby, E. "1980": Social Develpment, Psychological Growth and the parent-Child Relationship. New York: Harcourt Brace Hovanovich, Inc.
63 Maccoby, E., and Martin, J., "1983": Socialization in the Context of the Family: Parent-Child interaction. In P.H. Hussen "series Ed." and E.M. Hetherington "vol. Ed.", handbook of Personality and Social Develop, PP. 1-102. New York: Wiley.
64 Marjoribanks, K. "1981": Birth Order and Family Learning Enviromments. Psychological Reports, 49, PP. 915-919.

نام کتاب : تنشئة الطفل وسبل الوالدين في معاملته ومواجهة مشكلاته نویسنده : الشربينى، زكريا    جلد : 1  صفحه : 358
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