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نام کتاب : تنشئة الطفل وسبل الوالدين في معاملته ومواجهة مشكلاته نویسنده : الشربينى، زكريا    جلد : 1  صفحه : 359
65 Mead, M. "1935" Sex and Temperament in There Primitive Societies. New Yorlk: Morrow.
66 Michalson, L. and Lewis, M. "1985": What do children Know about emotios and when do they know it? In M. Lewis and C. Sarrni "Eds.", The Socialiaztion of emotion. PP. 117-140. New York: Plenum.
67 Park, R. and Collmer, C. "1975": Child Abuse, An Interdisciplinary Analysis. In E. Hetherington "Ed". Review of Child Develpment Reasearch, Vol. 5, PP. 139- 146.
68 Parsons, T. "1955": Family, Family, socialization and Interaction. London: The free Press.
69 Parsons, T. "1965": Socila Structure and Personality. London: The Free Press.
70 Patterson, G. "1979": Aperformance Theory for Coercive Family Interaction. In r. Garins "Ed" Social Interaction. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum.
71 Reber, A. "1985": Deictionary of psychology. London: Hazell Watson and Viney Livmited.
72 Rincover, A. "1990": The Parent-Child Connection. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc.
73 Schaefer, E. "1959": Acercumplex Model for Maternal Behavior. J. Abnormal and Social Psychology. vol. 59, pp. 225-253.
74 Sears, R., Maccoby, E. and Levin, H. "1957": Patterns of Child Rearing, Evanston, III: Row, Paterson.
75 Selzick, L. "1954": Sociology. London: Brentic-Hell.
76 Sewell, W. "1963": Some Recent Developments in Socialiaztion Theory and Research, In the Annals.

نام کتاب : تنشئة الطفل وسبل الوالدين في معاملته ومواجهة مشكلاته نویسنده : الشربينى، زكريا    جلد : 1  صفحه : 359
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